When Katy Perry provides her stamp of approval on a brand new artist with just one song given to the world, the world responds by taking serious notice. That's just what happened with the emergence of Swedish vocalist LÉON recently. Having uploaded her debut track, 'Tired Of Talking', a month or so back, it promptly rocketed up the Hype Machine chart and garnered some 400,000 plays on SoundCloud alone. That's when Perry stepped in, dubbing the 21 year-old songwriter, 'one to watch'. Upon hearing her pristine followup, 'Nobody Cares', we're inclined to agree. Produced by Agrin Rahmani once again, 'Nobody Cares' taps into the classic Scandipop canon with LÉON's lush voice vaulting over fragrant wafts of vintage keys and bolshy drums. Never mind one to watch, meet the heir to Robyn's throne. - DC
